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Baby Names
- Aabheer, A cowherd
- Aadarsh, Ideal
- Aachman, Intake of a sip of water before a yagya or puja
- Aadesh, Command; Message
- Aadi, First; Most important
- Aadidev, The first God
- Aafreen , Encouragement
- Aakar, Shape
- Aakash , The sky
- Aalap, Musical
- Aandaleeb, The Bulbul bird
- Aashay, Meaning, Gist
- Aashish, Blessings
- Abdul-Azeez, The servant of the Almighty; the Powerful
- Abdul-Baari, The servant of the Creator
- Abhijit Victorious
- Abhijvala Blazing forth
- Abhilash Desire
- Abhimand Gladdening
- Abhimani Full of pride, another name for Agni as the eldest son of Brahma
- Abhimanyu Arjuna\'s son, heroic, with self-respect
- Abhimanyusuta Son or Abhimanyu
- Abhimoda Joy, delight
- Abhinabhas Renowned, famous
- Abhinanda To rejoice, to celebrate, to praise, to bless, delight
- Abhinandana Felicitous, delighting, welcoming
- Abhinatha Lord of desires, another name for kama
- Abhinav Novel
- Abhinava New, young, fresh, modern, a sakta notable for his great leaning and spiritual attainment
- Abhiraam Pleasing
- Abhiraj Fearless King
- Abhirath Great charioteer
- Abhirup Pleasing
- Abhishek An auspicious bath for a deity; anointing
- Abhisoka Passionate, loving
- Abhisumat Radiant, another name of sun
- Abhisyanta Splendid, a son of Kuru and Vahini
- Abhivira Surrounded by heroes, a commander
- Abhra Cloud
- Abhrakasin With clouds for shelter, an ascetic
- Abhyagni Towards the fire, a son of Aitasa
- Abhyudaya Sunrise, elevation, increase, prosperity
- Abhyudita Elevated, risen, prosperous
- Abjayoni Born of the lotus, another name for Brahma
- Abjit Conquering water
- Acalapati Lord of the immovable, lord of mountain
- Acalendra Lord of the immovable, the Himalayas
- Acalesvara God of the immovable, another name for Shiva
- Acanda Not of the hot temper, without anger, gentle
- Acarya Teacher, another name for Drona, Asvaghosa and krpa
- Acaryanandana Son of the teacher, another name for Asvatthaman
- Acaryasuta Son of the teacher, another name for Asvatthaman
- Acaryatanaya Son of the teacher, another name for Asvatthaman
- Acchindra Flawless, uninterrupted, perfect
- Acintya Surpassing thought, incogitable
- Achal Constant
- Achalendra The Himalayas
- Achintya Inconceivable; a name of Lord Shiva
- Achyut Imperishable; a name of Vishnu
- Acyutaraya Worshipper of the infallible, a devotee of Vishnu
- Adalarasu King of dance
- Adarsh Ideal
- Adesh Command
- Adhik Greater
- Adhikara Principal, Controller
- Adhipa King, Ruler
- Adhita A scholar
- Adil Sincere; just
- Adinath The first lord; Lord Vishnu
- Adikavi First poet
- Adit From the beginning
- Aditeya Another name for the sun
- Aditya The sun
- Adityanandana Son of the sun
- Adityavardhana Augmented by glory
- Adripathi Master of the mountains
- Adwaita Non-duality
- Adwaya Unique
- Adway One; united
- Agendra King of mountains
- Aftab,Aftaab The sun
- Agasti, Agastya Name of a sage
- Agha Pre-eminent
- Aghat Destroyer of sin
- Agharna The moon
- Agneya Son of agni
- Agnikumara Son of agni
- Agniprava Bright as the fire
- Agrim Leader; first
- Agriya First best
- Ahmad Praiseworthy, Commendable
- Ahsan Mercy
- Aja Unborn
- Ajaat Unborn
- Ajaatshatru Who has no enemies
- Ajamil A mythological king Male Islamic,A mythological king
- Ahijit Conquerer of the serpent
- Ahilan Knowledgeable, commanding
- Aijaz Favour
- Aiman Fearless
- Ainesh The sun\'s glory
- Ajay Invincible
- Ajinkya Invincible
- Ajit Invincible
- Ajitesh Vishnu
- Ajmal Pious
- Akalmash Stainless
- Akalpa Ornament
- Akash The sky
- Akhil Complete
- Akhilesh Lord of all
- Akmal Complete
- Akram Excellent
- Akroor Kind
- Akshan Eye
- Akshar Imperishable
- Akshath Indestructible
- Akshay Indestructible
- Akshit Permanent
- Akul A name of Lord Shiva
- Alabhya Durlabh
- Alagan Handsome
- Alagappan Handsome
- Alagarasan King of beauty, handsome
- Alagarasu Handsome king, King of beauty
- Alam, Aalam The whole world
- Alamgir The lord of the whole world
- Aleem Knowledgeable
- Alhad Joy
- Ali Protected by god
- Alok A man with lovely hair
- Aloke Light
- Amal Unblemished; pure
- Amalendu The unblemished moon
- Amalesh The pure one
- Amanath Treasure
- Amanda Active
- Amar Immortal
- Amartya Immortal, Amber of the sky
- Ambarish The sky
- Ambuj Lotus
- Ameya Immeasurable
- Amil Invaluable
- Amin, Ameen Divine grace
- Amir Rich
- Amit Without limit
- Amitbikram Limitless prowess
- Amitiyoti Limitless brightness
- Amitabha, Amitav Limitless lustre; name of Lord Buddha
- Amitrasudan Destroyer of enemies
- Amiya Nectar; delight Amlan unfading; everbright,Nectar
- Amlankusum Unfading flower
- Ammar The maker
- Amod Pleasure
- Amogh A name of Lord Ganesh
- Amoha Clear, straight
- Amol Priceless
- Amolik, Amolak Priceless
- Amrit, Amrik Nectar
- Amulya Priceless
- Anadi Eternal Anal fire
- Anal Fire
- Anamitra The usn
- Ananda, Anand Joy; happiness
- Ananmaya One who cannot be broken
- Ananga, Anang Name of Cupid or Kamadeva
- Ananta, Anant Infinite
- Anarghya Priceless
- Anay Radha\'s husband
- Anbarasu King of love
- Anbu Love, kindness
- Anbuchelvan Kind, king of love
- Anbumadi Kind and intelligent
- Angad An ornament
- Angamuthu Made of pearls
- Anil The wind god
- Animish, Animesh Open-eyed therefore attractive
- Anirudhha Free; grandson of Lord Krishna
- Anirvan Undying
- Anisa Supreme
- Anish Lord Vishnu; Lord Shiva
- Aniteja Immeasurable splendour
- Anjasa Guileless, deceitless
- Anjum A token
- Anjuman A token; a symbol
- Ankur Sprout; new life
- Ankush Check; an instrument used for guiding elephants
- Anmol Priceless
- Anshu The sun
- Anshuman The sun
- Anshumat Luminous
- Anu An atom
- Anugya Authority
- Anuha Satisfied
- Anuj Younger brother
- Anunay Supplication; consolation
- Anup, Anoop Without comparison
- Anupam Without comparison
- Anurag, Anuraag Love
- Anuttam Unsurpassed
- Anwar Devote of God
- Apparajito Undefeated
- Apurva, Apoorva Unique
- Aran Righteous
- Arav Peaceful
- Aravali Righteous
- Aravan Righteous
- Archan Worship
- Archit Worshipped
- Ardhendu Half moon
- Arghya Offering to the Lord
- Arham Rhe word is just like OM for Jain community
- Arhant Destroyer of enemies
- Arindam Destroyer of enemies
- Arijit Conquering enemies, son of Krishna and Subhadra
- Arivalagan Intelligent and handsome
- Arivali Smart, intelligent
- Arivarasu King of wisdom
- Arivoli Glowing with intelligence
- Arivuchelvan One whose wealth is his wisdom
- Arivumadhi Intelligent
- Arivumani Intelligent jem
- Arivunambi Confident and intelligent
- Arjit Earned
- Arjun Pandava prince; bright
- Arka The sun
- Arnav Ocean
- Arnesh Lord of the sea
- Arokya Very pious
- Arshad Pious
- Arul Gods grace, gods blessing
- Arulchelvan Blessed
- Arumugan Lord murugan
- Arun, Aroon Mythical charioteer of the sun; dawn
- Aruni Name of a devoted pupil,Dawn
- Arvind Lotus
- Arvinda, Arabinda Lotus
- Arya Honoured, noble,Indian, belonging to the aryans
- Aryaman The sun
- Asao, Asav Essence
- Aseem, Ashim Limitless
- Asgar Devotee
- Ashis Benediction
- Ashok Without grief
- Ashraf Without grief
- Ashu Quick
- Ashutosh Lord Shiva
- Ashwin, Asvin A Hindu month
- Asit, Ashit The planet
- Aslam Greeting
- Aslesh Embrance
- Atanu Cupid
- Atal Immoveable
- Atiya To surpass
- Atma Soul
- Atmaja Son,Daughter
- Atmananda Bliss of soul
- Atralarasu Skilled king
- Atreya Receptacle of glory
- Atul, Atulya Matchless
- Avadhesh King Dasaratha
- Avaneesh Lord of the earth (Shiva or Vishnu)
- Avanindra Lord of the earth
- Avanish Lord of the earth
- Avatar Incarnation
- Avikshit Not see before
- Avinash Indestructible
- Avkash Limitless space Avatar incarnation
- Ayaan God\'s gift
- Ayog Institution
- Ayush Long lived
- Ayushman Blessed with long life
- Ayyapan Ever youthful
- Azeez Friend
- Azhagar The handsome one
- Azhar Famous, luminous
- Azzam The lord; Almighty
- aahir Dazzling; Brilliant
- Baalaark The rising sun
- Baanbhatt Name of an ancient poet
- Baanke Bihaari Name of Krishna
- Baasim Smiling
- Babala Above
- Badal Cloud; rain
- Badri Lord Vishnu
- Badrinath Lord Vishnu
- Baha Beautiful; Magnificent
- Baha Udeen The magnificent of the Faith
- Bahiy Udeen The magnificent of the Faith
- Bahubali A Jain Tirthakar
- Bahumanya Honoured by many
- Bahuleya Lord Kartikeya
- Bahurai With great riches
- Bajrang A name of Lord Hanuman
- Bakhtawar One who brings good luck
- Balachandrav The crescent moon
- Baladhi Deep insight
- Baladhitya The newly risen sun
- Balaji Strong
- Balakumar Youthful
- Balamurugan Young lord murugan
- Balan Youthful
- Balanath Lord of strength
- Balaravi The morning sun
- Balbir Strong
- Baldev Strong
- Balgopal Baby krishna
- Balagovind Baby Krishna
- Balakrishna Baby Krishna
- Balakumara Youthful
- Balaraj Strong
- Balaram The brother of Lord Krishna
- Balasingam Young lion
- Balvindra, Balvinder Strong
- Balwant Strong
- Banbihari Lord Krishna
- Bandhu Friend
- Bandhul Pleasing
- Bankebihari Lord Krishna
- Bankim Curved
- Bankimchandra Crescent moon
- Bansi Flute
- Bansilal Lord Krishna; the first lord; Lord Vishnu
- Barid Cloud
- Baridbaran Colour of the cloud
- Barindra The ocean
- Barun Lord of the Sea
- Basanta Spring
- Basavaraj Lord of bulls
- Bashir Harbinger of good things
- Basistha A sage
- Basudha Earth
- Bhadrang Beautiful body
- Bhadranidhi Treasure of goodness
- Bhagaditya The sun which bestows wealth
- Bhagat Devotee
- Bhagirat With glorious chariot
- Bhagyanandana Controller of destiny
- Bhajan Adoration
- Bhagwant Fortunate
- Bhargyaraj Lord of luck
- Bhairav Lord Shiva
- Bhanu The sun
- Bhanudas A devotee of the sun
- Bharadwaj A sage; a mythical bird
- Bharat Son of Shakuntala and founder of Bharat of India
- Bhargava Lord Shiva
- Bhaskar The sun
- Bhaumik Attached to the earth
- Bhavamanyu Creator of universe
- Bhavesh Lord Shiva
- Bhishma One who has taken a terrible vow
- Bhojaraja Lord of generosity
- Bhooshan Decoration
- Bhooshit Decorated
- Bhumi Earth
- Bhupathi Lord of the earth
- Bhuvanesh The lord of the world Vishnu
- Bibek Conscience
- Bibhas A raga
- Bibhavasu The sun; fire
- Bijal Lightning
- Bikram Prowess
- Bilva A sacred leaf
- Bimal Pure
- Bipin Forest, free
- Birbal Brave heart
- Bisaj Lotus
- Bishanpal Raised by God
- Bishr Joy
- Bisujaksha Lord Vishnu
- Bitasok One who does not mourn
- Bodhan Kindling
- Boudhayan The name of a sage
- Brahamjeet God\'s triumph
- Brahmabrata Ascetic
- Brahmadutt Dedicated to Lord Brahma
- Bratindra Devoted to right deeds
- Brijesh Lord Krishna
- Brijmohan Lord Krishna
- Buddhadeva Gautama Buddha
- Buddhapriya One liked by Buddha
- Budhil Learned
- Bukka Heart, Loving, Sincere
- Burhaan Proof
- Chaanakya Name of Kautilya, the great scholar
- Chaaruchandra Beautilful moon
- Chaarudatt Born of beauty
- Chaaruhaas With beautiful smile
- Chahel Good cheer
- Chaitan Name of Kautilya, the great scholar
- Chaitanya Consciousness
- Chakor A bird enamoured of the moon
- Chakradev Lord Vishnu
- Chakradhar Lord Vishnu
- Chakrapani Lord Vishnu
- Daamodar A name of Krishna
- Daaruk Charioteer of Krishna, tree
- Daarun Hard Male Hindu
- Dahana A Rudra
- Daha Blazing, very bright
- Daitya A Non Aryan
- Daivya Divine
- Daiwik By the grace of God
- Daksha Able, talented,The earth; Sati, wife of Shiva
- Dakshesh Lord Shiva
- Dakshi The glorious
- Eashan Lord Vishnu
- Ebadaah Prayer to Allah
- Edhas Happiness
- Edi Herb
- Ednit Evolved
- Eeshwar God
- Egaiarasu King of charity
- Eha Lord Vishnu
- Ehimay All pervasive
- Eka Lord Vishnu,Matchless, Alone, Unique
- Ekaaksha One eyed, Shiva
- Faakhir Proud; excellent
- Faaris Horseman; knight
- Faarooq One who distinguishes truth from falsehood
- Fadi The redeemer
- Fadl Outstanding; honourable
- Fadl Ullah Excellence of God
- Fahad Lynx
- Faisal Decisive
- Faiyaz Artistic
- Faiz Gain
- Fakhry Honorary
- Falak The sky
- Falgu Lovely
- Falguni, Phalguni Born in Falgun, a Hindu month; Arjun,Born in Falgun, A Hindu month
- Fanibhusan Lord Shiva
- Fanindra The cosmic serpent Shesh
- Fanishwar Lord of serpents, Vasuki
- Fanish The cosmic serpent Shesh
- Fareed Unique
- Farhad Happiness
- Farhat Happiness
- Gadhadhar Name of lord Vishnu
- Gadin Lord Krishna
- Gafur Invincible
- Gagan Sky
- Gagandeep Light of the sky
- Gaganjyot Light of the sky
- Gajananvihari One who stays in heaven
- Gajanan Lord Ganapati
- Gajanand Lord Ganesh
- Gajendra The king of elephants
- Gajrup Lord Ganesh
- Haadiya Huide to righteousness
- Haady Guiding to the right
- Haamid Praising (God); Loving (God)
- Haani Happy; Delighted; Content
- Haarith Plowman; Old Arabic name
- Haaroon A Prophet\'s name
- Haashim Generosity; Prophet\'s grandfather
- Haatim Judge
- Habib Beloved
- Hafiz Protected
- Hakesh Lord of sound
- Ibhanan Lord Ganesh
- Ibraheem A Prophet\'s name
- Ibrahim Abraham; earth
- Ibhya Possessor of many attendants
- Idaspati God of rain (Vishnu)
- Idhant Luminous
- Idris Fiery Lord
- Iham Expected
- Ihit Prize; honour
- Ikshu Sugarcane, sweetness,Sugarcane
- Ilaiyavan Youthful
- Jaabir Consoler; Comforter
- Jaafar Rivulet
- Jabbar Barley grower; A peasant
- Jacob One who supplants
- Jadhav A yadava
- Jag Lord Krishna
- Jagadbandu The universe,Lord Krishna
- Jagachandra Moon of the universe
- Jagad Universe
- Jagadayu Life spring of the universe
- Jagadev Lord of the world
- Kaaliya A huge serpent
- Kaamil Perfect
- Kaanan Forest
- Kaarikaa Actress
- Kaartikeya Son of Shiva
- Kaashinaath Lord of Kaashi
- Kabir Famous sufi saint
- Kalapriya Lover of art
- Kailas Abode of Lord Shiva
- Kailashchandra Lord Shiva
- Kailashnath Lord Shiva
- Laabh Profit
- Laalamani Ruby
- Laavanya Beauty
- Labeeb Sensible; Intelligent
- Lahar Wave
- Lakhan Lord Rama\'s brother
- Lakshan Aim
- Lagan Appropriate time
- Laksh Aim
- Lakshin With auspicious marks
- Lakshmigopal Lord vishnu
- Maadhav Another name of Krishna
- Maagh Name of a Hindu month
- Maahir Skilled
- Maalolan Name of Deity in Ahobilam
- Maandhata An ancient King
- Maaran Brave
- Maari Rain
- Madan Cupid
- Madana Passion; Love
- Madanapal Lord of Love
- Madangopal Lord Krishna
- Naabhi Centre of body, an ancient King
- Naadir Dear, Rare
- Naag A big serpent
- Naajy Safe
- Naasih Advisor
- Naathim Arranger, Adjuster
- Nabhanyu Eternal
- Nabhas Sky
- Nabarun Morning sun
- Nabendu New moon
- Nabhi Focus; the best,Central
- Obalesh Lord Shiva
- Oha Meditation, true knowledge
- Ohas Praise
- Ojas Lustre
- Ojayit Courageous
- Om The sacred syllable
- Oma Life giver
- Omanand Joy of om
- Omar An era
- Omarjeet Lord of OM
- Omesh Lord of the Om
- Paandu Father of the Pandavas
- Paavan Purifier
- Pachai Youthful, resourceful
- Pachaimani Youthful, resourceful
- Pachaimuthu Youthful, resourceful
- Padmaj Lord Brahama
- Padman Lotus
- Padmanabha Lord Vishnu
- Padmapati Lord Vishnu
- Padmesh Lord Vishnu
- Padminish Lord of lotuses
- Qadir Powerful, skillful
- Qaisar King, emperor
- Qasim Divider
- Qatadah Tree with hard wood
- Qays Firm
- Qayyam Another name for God
- Quamar The moon
- Quasim Old generation
- Qudamah Courage
- Qutub Tall
- Raahi Traveller
- Raakaa Day of the full moon
- Radhak Liberal
- Radhakanta Lord Krishna
- Radhakrishna Radha and Lord Krishna
- Radhatanaya Son of Radha
- Radhavallabh Lord Krishna-beloved of Radha
- Radheshyam Lord Krishna
- Radheya Karna
- Rafat Elevation
- Raghav Lord Rama
- Saakaar Manifestation of god
- Saanjh Evening
- Saaras Swan
- Saatatya Never ending
- Saatvik Pious
- Sabal With strength
- Sabrang Rainbow
- Sabarinathan Lord Ayyapa
- Sabhya Refined
- Sachet Consciousness
- Sacchidananda Total bliss
- Taarank Savious
- Taha Pure
- Tahir Holy
- Tahoma With a Cute Personality
- Taizeen Encouragement
- Taj Crown
- Tajdar Corwned
- Taksa Son of Bharata
- Takshak A cobra
- Taksheel A strong character
- Talaketu Bhishma
- Udar Generous
- Uday Appearance, to rise
- Udayan Rising; name of king of Avanti
- Udayachal Eastern horizon
- Udayasooriyan Rising sun
- Uddhar Liberation
- Uddhav Lord Krishna\'s friend
- Udit Risen
- Udyam Effort
- Udyan Garden
- Ujagar Bright
- Vaachaspati Lord of speech
- Vaageesh Lord of speech
- Vagisa Lord of speech
- Vachan Speech
- Vadiraj King among disputants
- Vaibhav Riches
- Vaidyanaath Master of medicines
- Vaijayi Victor
- Vaijnath Lord Shiva
- Vaikunth Vaikuntam, the abode of Lord Vishnu
- Vajra Lord Krishna\'s greatgrandson; diamond
- Waahid Unequaled, unique
- Wahab Large hearted
- Wadee Calm
- Wafeeq Successful
- Wajeeh Noble
- Wajid Inventor
- Wajidali Obessed
- Wali Protector
- Wasan Idol
- Wamika God,Goddess Durga
- Waseem Graceful, good looking
- Xavier New house
- Yaalchelvan Pride of yaalpaanam
- Yaalmani Gem of yaalpaanam
- Yaalvendan Ruler of yaalpaanam
- Yadavaprakasa Lord Krishna
- Yadav Lord Krishna, descedent of Yadu
- Yadavendra Lord Krishna
- Yadavesvara Lord Krishna
- Yadaspati Lord Varuna, Lord of marine animals
- Yadu An ancient King
- Yadukumara Lord Krishna
- Yadumani Jewel of the Yadus
- Zaafir Victorious
- Zaahid Ascetic, abstemious
- Zahin Great
- Zaid Great
- Zaiden Strength
- Zeeshan Strength
- Zahir Protector; Persian poet
- Zakariya Prophets name
- Zakir One who remembers; another name for God
- Zakiy Pure
- Zamir Brave; handsome
- Aabha Glow
- Aabharana Jewel
- Aadarshini Idealistic
- Aadhaya First power
- Aadita From the begining
- Aadrika Mountain
- Aahaladita Bubbling with delight
- Aahana First rays of the sun
- Aaheli Pure
- Aahna Exist
- Aaina Mirror
- Babitha Born in the first quarter of an astrological day
- Bageshri Name of a raaga
- Bahula A star
- Bahulika Magnified
- Bahumathi Scholar
- Bahuputri With many sons, Durga
- Bahuratna Rich in gems
- Baidehi Sita
- Baijayanthi Garland of Lord Vishnu
- Bairavi Goddess durga
- Baisakhi Of the month Baishakh
- Cauvery Same as Cavery-name of a river
- Chaaya Shadow
- Chahna Love
- Chairavali Full moon of Chaitra month
- Chaitali Born in the Chaitra month,Born in the month of Chaitra
- Chaitaly Name of an ancient city
- Chaitra Aries sign
- Chakori Alert,A bird enamoured of the moon
- Chakrika Lakshmi
- Chalama Goddess Parvati
- Chaman Garden
- Dadhija Daughter of milk
- Daksha Able, talented,The earth; Sati, wife of Shiva
- Dakshakanya Able daughter
- Dakshata Skill
- Dakshayani Goddess Durga
- Dakshina Donation to god,A donation to god or priest
- Dalaja Produced from petals
- Damini Lightning
- Damayanti Nala\'s wife
- Danna To give , Gift
- Darpana A mirror
- Ecchumati A river
- Edha Sacred
- Edhitha Progressed, Increased
- Eelakili Parakeet from Eelam, Beautiful
- Eelampirai Young Crescent
- Eesha Goddess Parvati; Purity
- Ehimaya An all pervading intellect
- Eila The earth
- Eiravathi River
- Eka Lord Vishnu,Matchless, Alone, Unique
- Ekadhana A portion of wealth
- Faatina Captivating
- Fadheela Virtue
- Fajyaz Artistic
- Faiza Gain
- Falguni, Phalguni Born in Falgun, a Hindu month; Arjun,Born in Falgun, A Hindu month
- Faria A caravan
- Farha Happiness
- Farhanaa Beautiful
- Farida Turquoise
- Farzana Intelligence
- Fatima, Fatma The prophet Mohammad\'s daughter
- Gagana The sky
- Gaganadipika The lamp of the sky
- Gaganasindhu Ocean of the sky
- Gajagamini Majestic- like an elephant\'s walk
- Gajalakshmi Lakshmi as graceful as an elephant
- Gajra A string of flowers
- Ganda Knot
- Gandha Fragrant
- Gandhali Fragrance of flowers
- Gandhara Fragrance
- Gandhini Fragrant
- Haadiyaa Guide to righteousness
- Hafiza Protected
- Haima Goddess Parvati; Snow
- Haimi Golden
- Haleema Gentle; Patient
- Hamsa Swan
- Hamsini Who rides a swan
- Haimavati Parvati, Lord Shiva\'s wife
- Hanima A wave
- Haniya Pleased; Happy
- Hansa Swan
- Ibha Hope
- Idha Insight
- Idhaya Heart
- Idhika Another name for parvathi
- Idhitri One who praises
- Iha The earth
- Ihina Enthusiasm
- Ihitha Desired
- Ijaya Sacrifice
- Iksha Sight
- Ikshana Sight
- Jaabili Fullmoon
- Jaba Hibiscus
- Jabeen Forehead
- Jagadamba Mother of the universe
- Jagadambika Goddess durga
- Jaganmayee Goddess lakshmi
- Jaganmata Mother of the world
- Jaganmohini Goddess durga
- Jagathi Of the universe
- Jagavi Born of the world
- Jagriti Vigilance
- Kaandhal Attractive
- Kaberi Full of water
- Kadambari Goddess
- Kadambini An array of clouds
- Kadhiroli Intelligent, Brilliant like a ray of sunlight
- Kahini Young
- Kairavi Moonlight
- Kaishori Goddess Parvati
- Kajal Kohl
- Kajjali Kohl
- Kajri Cloud like
- Laabha Profit
- Laalamani Ruby
- Laasya Dance performed by goddess parvathi
- Labangalata A flowering creeper
- Laboni Grace
- Labuki Musical instrument
- Ladhi Sangeet
- Ladli Loved one
- Laghima Goddess parvathi
- Laghuvi Tender
- Lajita Modest
- Maalai Garland of Flowers
- Maanika Ruby
- Madhavi A creeper with beautiful flowers; springtime
- Madhavilata A flowering creeper
- Madhu Honey
- Mahubala Sweet girl
- Madhuchhanda Pleasing metrical composition
- Madhuja Made of honey
- Madhuksara One who showers honey
- Madhula Sweet
- Madhulata Sweet creeper
- Naamagal Magnificent Poetess, Orator
- Naavarasi Magnificent Poetess, Orator
- Naaz Pride
- Nabhanya Celestial
- Nabha Nobel High, Sky
- Nabhanipa A new flower
- Nabhi Focus; the best,Central
- Nabhitha Fearless
- Nabhya Central
- Nachni Dancer; Suggestive look
- Nadia Begining
- Odathi Refreshing
- Oditi Dawn
- Oindrila Name for the wife of Indra
- Oja Vitality
- Ojal Vision
- Ojaswini Lustrous
- Olichudar Brilliant
- Olikodi Brilliant
- Olimani Brilliant
- Oliyarasi Brilliant
- Oma Life giver
- Paadini Pleasing Song
- Paavai Beautiful girl
- Padma Goddess Lakshmi
- Padmagriha Who resides in a lotus
- Padmaja Born from lotus, Lakshmi
- Padmakali Lotus bud
- Padmakshi One with lotus-like eyes
- Padmal Lotus
- Padmalaya Lake of lotuses
- Padmalochana Lotus eyed
- Padmamalini Goddess Lakshmi
- Quarrtulain God\'s mercy
- Quasar Meteor
- Quentin Old English for \"from the Queen\'s land\"
- Raaka Full moon
- Raakhi Symbol of protection;Full moon in the Sravan month
- Rabia Famous; Godly
- Rabhya Worshipped
- Rachna Creation
- Rachita Created
- Radha The beloved of Lord Krishna
- Radhana Speech
- Radhani Worship
- Radhika Radha
- Ragini A melody
- Sachi Wife of lord Indra
- Saachi Truth
- Saanjh Evening
- Saanvi Goddess Lakshmi
- Sabeena Beautiful
- Sabrang Rainbow
- Sabri Lord Ram\'s devotees
- Sabita Beautiful sunshine
- Sachika Kind
- Sadaf Pearl
- Sadgati Liberation
- Taanusiya A great devotee
- Tabassum A flower
- Talikha Nightingale
- Tamali A tree with very dark bark
- Tamalika Belonging to a place full of Tamal
- Tamanna Desire
- Tamarai Lotus Flower, Beautiful
- Tamasa A river; darkness
- Tamasi Night
- Tambura A musical instrument
- Tanaya Son
- Ubika Growth
- Ucchal Perception
- Udantika Satisfaction
- Udaya Dawn
- Udbala Strong
- Udgita A hymn
- Udichi One who grows with prosperity
- Udiramalara Fresh flower
- Udipti Fire
- Udita One who has risen
- Uditi Rising
- Vaagai Name of a beautiful flower
- Vaanadhi Milky way
- Vagdevi Goddess Sarawati
- Vaanika Sita
- Vahini Flowing
- Vaidehi Name of Sita
- Vaijayanti A garland of Lord Vishnu
- Vaijayantimala A garland of Lord Vishnu
- Vaishali An ancient city of India
- Vaishavi, Vaishnodevi Goddess Parvati
- Vallari Goddess Parvati; creepe
- Wafiya Loyal; Faithful
- Waheeda Unique, Singular, Beautiful
- Wajeeha Eminent; Distinguished
- Wamika God,Goddess Durga
- Wamil Beautiful
- Xena Brave
- Yaalini Melodious
- Yaalisai Melodious
- Yachana Pleading
- Yaamoli Melodious
- Yadva Intelligence, Perception, mind
- Yahvi Heaven
- Yajna Worship, an incarnation of Vishnu,Worship
- Yaksha Sister of Daksha
- Yamini Night
- Yamika Night
- Yamuna Jamuna river
- Zaafira Victorious; Successful
- Zahira Shining; Luminous
- Zahra Beautiful, fair
- Zaina Beautiful
- Zakiyaa Pure
- Zannat Heaven
- Zara Little
- Zarna A small stream of sweet water
- Zeena A Hospitable Woman
- Zeenat Beauty
- Zerelda Brave warrior woman
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