Kaal Sarp Yog Dosh Puja in India
Kaal Sarp Yog Puja also leads to many misunderstandings as different astrologers & different natives interested in astrology preach and do this puja in different ways.
The most important step in performing any kind of puja to rectify any dosh in a horoscope is to perform the chant of a Mantra specified to reduce the strength of that dosh and this chant amounts to a number of 125,000 in most of the cases. For example, a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja should ideally include a chant of 125,000 Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantras and rest of the procedure is built around this chant. To start with Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja, a specific day is chosen for the start and completion of this puja which is decided according to the horoscope of the native.
At the day of starting of this puja, a Sankalpam or resolution is taken by the Pandits which are usually 5 to 7 in number. In this Sankalpam, the head Pandit or the main Pandit takes an oath in front of Lord Shiva that he and his other assistant Pandits are going to perform a chant of 125,000 Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantras for a specific person who is the native and whose name, his father's name and his family surname is also mentioned in Sankalpam. The names of the Pandits doing this chant are also mentioned, the days taken to complete this chant are also mentioned and the specific wishes required by the native as a result of this puja are also mentioned and this is the first step which starts a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja.
After this, all the Pandits start chanting Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantra on daily basis for about 8 to 10 hours a day and in such a way that they are able to complete the total chant of 125,000 mantras till the decided day of completion of this puja. The pundits keep on chanting the Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantra on daily basis till the day of the completion and they complete the committed chant of mantras on that day. After completion of chant of Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantra, the completion ceremony is arranged for the puja which can take about 2-3 hours if done with proper procedure. A puja for lord Shiva, goddess Parvati, Lord Ganesha and other members of Shiva family is performed first and many kinds of offerings like flowers, fruits, sweets, milk, curd, honey, desi ghee, sugar and many other things are offered to these gods and goddesses and the completion of the resolution or Sankalpam taken by the pandits is repeated and it is conveyed to the gods by pandits that they have completed the chant of 125,000 Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantra in the time promised by them and in the manner promised by them at the day of start and it is also mentioned that all this chant and puja has been done on behalf of their client whose name and other details are again mentioned and it is then preyed that their client should be blessed with the good results of this Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja since he has followed all the procedures for this puja and he has got this puja performed through pandits in order to rectify the Kaal Sarp Yog present in his horoscope. It should be noted here that this puja performed at the day of completion of Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja follows specific procedures and accordingly this puja and procedure can differ for different kind of doshas.
Things related to and the things signifying navagraha or some specific planets among navagraha are also offered and donated during the course of this final puja ceremony for Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja. Generally, the things related to all navagraha are donated during the final puja for Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran and these things may include, rice, wheat, sugar, salt, oil, blanket and some other things each of which relate to one or the other planet among navagraha. After completion of this puja, the blessings are taken from the gods and goddesses and then the final ceremony of Havana is started which is the final and a very important ceremony as this is a ceremony through which a direct connection between the native and the corresponding planets or gods is established with the help of pandits.
Havana is a very important and technical procedure and it should be done by expert pandits with great attention and care. After starting the Havana and after doing the necessary formalities, the chant of Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantra is again started and this time with the completion of each mantra, a sound of Swaaha or Swaha is chanted by the pandits and upon the chant of this sound of Swaha or Swaaha, certain specific things which form the constituents of Puja Samagri and which can vary from puja to puja are offered in a specific way to the holy fire which has been lit to perform the Havana for Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja. This process is repeated again and again and each time the pandits chant the sound of Swaaha or Swaha or Swaham, puja samagri is offered to the holy fire of Havana in a specific way. Once the specific chant of Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantra fixed for the Havana is completed, some other important mantras are chanted which may differ from puja to puja and here again the puja samagri is offered to the holy fire of Havana at the sound of Swaha or Swaaha at the completion of each mantra.
A dry coconut is finally filled with certain specific things which may again be different for different pujas and this coconut is then placed in the holy fire of Havana as the final offering and with the chant of some specific mantras and the desired result is again preyed by the pandits on behalf of the native. The client or the native is then asked to complete 1, 3 or 7 circles around the Havana kund where each one of these circular movement is called a Pradakshina or a Parikarama and upon the completion of this Parikarma the Kaal Sarp Yog puja is completed. And though a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja includes many other steps and procedures than the ones mentioned above, but the above mentioned steps are the most important steps of a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja and they should be done and executed by expert and established pandits. Missing some of the important procedures or not doing them properly can reduce the desired effects of the puja and the native may not get the proper benefic effect from his Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja.
There are some precautions which should be observed by the native during the running time of his Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Pooja otherwise he may not get proper results from such Kaal Sarp Yog Nivaran Puja. From the time of start of a Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja till the time of completion of this pooja, the native for whom this pooja is being performed should abstain from eating non vegetarian food of all kind including fish and egg, he should stay away from liquors and alcohols of all kinds and he should also stay away from smoking for all this time. Apart from this the native should also not make sexual contacts with any female including his own wife and in case of unmarried natives they should stay away from their girlfriends as long as the Kaal Sarp Yog Nivaran Puja is going on. The native should also not engage in any kinds of bad conducts of violence, hatred or any other kinds of conducts which are considered immoral during the running time of Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja. The native should try to connect himself to Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Pooja on daily basis which he can do by praying to Lord Shiva daily after taking bath and repeating the Sankalpam that the main Pandit had made on his behalf at the start of this pooja. The native should address Lord Shiva and say with his words or with his mind that he is getting a Kaal Sarp Yog Nivaran Pooja performed with a chant of 125,000 Veda Mantras of Jupiter and this pooja is being performed at such and such place by a specific number of Pandits and that he is following all the procedures and precautions with complete dedication and devotion and that Lord Shiva and Serpent gods should bless him with the best possible results for this pooja.
It should be noted here that a Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja can be done in the presence of the native as well as in the absence of the native and in case the native is unable to be personally present at the place of Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja, this pooja is conducted with the help of native's photograph or Picture in which the native should be alone and no one else should be present in the picture and this picture should be as recent as possible.
In this case, the main Pandit will take the sankalp for Kaal Sarp Yog Nivaran Pooja on behalf of the native in the presence of his photograph or picture. The name of native's father and the surname of his family is spoken in the sankalpam and it is also mentioned by the main Pandit that this native is unable to attend to this pooja by means of his personal presence and hence a specific Pandit whose name and surname is mentioned, will be performing all the rituals to be performed by the native on behalf of the native. It should be noted here that this Pandit is one of the Pandits who are going to do a chant of 125,000 Guru Veda mantra for the native. This way the rituals to be performed by the native at the starting day and completion day of Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja are performed by the chosen Pandit and it is conveyed by him on both of these days that he is performing these rituals on behalf of the native whose photograph is always kept present during the puja and it is used as a symbol of the native. For example, if the chosen Pandit is supposed to offer flower to Lord Shiva, he will first touch his hand carrying the flowers with the picture of the native and then he will offer those flowers to Lord Shiva and all other rituals are also performed likewise. It is important to note here that even if the native is personally not present for his Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja, he is strictly supposed to practice all the necessary and above mentioned precautions for his Kaal Sarp Yog Nivaran Puja, in whichever part of the world he may be present during the running time of such Kaal Sarp Yog Nivaran Pooja. The native should also keep on repeating his Sankalpam for Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja on daily basis as mentioned above and he should ask for the best results of this pooja.
Now as we know the procedure involved in performing a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja, the rest becomes comparatively easy to decide. The place for performing a Kaal Sarp Yog puja can make a difference in the results which means that a puja performed at Trayambakeshwar temple is very likely to be more benefic than a puja performed at a local temple which in terms is more productive than the puja performed at home or at some other place. But it should be kept in mind that the place chosen for a puja is always an added bonus and the main effect or fruit of the Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja still lies in the chant of 125,000 Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantras which is the backbone of the puja and without which this puja cannot produce any significant results. The chant of mantras is the most important step in every kind of puja and the rest of procedures are done to enhance the results of the puja. Hence no compromises should be made with the chant of Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantra and a puja should only be performed at Trayambakeshwar or Ujjain or other such places if the pandits present at these places are offering to do this puja with a chant of 125,000 Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantras which will take around 7 days to complete if 5 to 7 pandits are doing this chant at the same time.
Hence the procedure involved in a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja is more important than the place of puja and due attention should be paid to the fact that your pandits are following the procedure and they are completing a chant of 125,000 mantra for the puja. If the pandits doing a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja at holy places are completing this puja with this chant of mantra and they are also following the other procedures then it is a definite plus doing this puja at these places. But if they are not following the procedures of the puja and they are not doing any chant of Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran mantras, then all you are getting are the blessings of that holy place and nothing else and it is then wiser to get this puja performed from some other place where the pandits can do it with proper time and proper procedures because if you only want the blessings of a holy place, you can always go there and take blessings from your lords by bowing to them. On the other hand, when you are going there to get a Kaal Sarp Yog nivaran puja performed, you should ensure that this puja is performed through proper procedures so that you may get optimum results from this puja.
How to do remedy of Kaalsarp Yoga?
If you are feeling above disturbances in ur life then u have to do some remedies to get relief. The most important remedy is "kaal Sarp Yog shanti Yagya anushtan" because the yagya is the only way to reach God. Kaal Sarp is a dosh in your horoscope, so remove your dosh yagya is important. Yagya is a swroop of lord shiva called the lord of yagya bhootnaath".
You do must everyday chanting of rahu mantra and ketu mantra min 108 times.these are mantra rahu planet "OM RANG RAHVE NAMHA" AND the ketu mantra is "OM KEANG KEATVE NAMHA"
MANTRA: To be chanted on Saturday and Wednesday two hours after sunset, especially during major or minor Rahu periods u have to do burn white sandal powder in a copper plate. Take 1 tea spoon sandal powder in that plate and burn match stick touch that match stick with sandal powder and speech mantra "OM RANG RAHVE NAMHA" recite 21 time until the stick will burn. Remember Burn sandal powder with only one sticks not two or three. If powder is not burn then not worry try again next day but not same day and same powder. Next day take new one spoon powder and old powder of plate through out in any pot and u can give to also get Rahu maharaja grace sandel perfume sidh kaal sarp yantra.everyday evening time.when u do workship of " Rahu maharaaj"then chanting rahu astooara shat nama these are -
Rahva-astottara-shata-nama-vali (The 108 names of Rahu)
- Om rahave namah
- Om saumhikeyaya namah
- Om vidhuntudaya namah
- Om surashatrave namah
- Om tamase namah
- Om phanine namah
- Om gargyaynapa namah
- Om surapye namah
- Om nibajimutasamkashaya namah
- Om caturbhujava namah
- Om khangakhetaka-dharine namah
- Om varadayakahastakaya namah
- Om shulayudhaya namah
- Om megha-varnaya namah
- Om krishna-dhvajapatakavate namah
- Om dakshinashamukharathaya namah
- Om tikshnadamshtakarallakaya namah
- Om shupokarasansthaya namah
- Om gomedha-bharana-priyaya namah
- Om mashapriyaya namah
- Om kashyaparshinandanaya namah
- Om bhujageshvaraya namah
- Om ulkapatayitre namah
- Om nidhipaya namah
- Om krishna-sarpa-raje namah
- Om vishajvalavrita ' asyaya addhashariraya namah
- Om shatravapradaya namah
- Om ravindubhikaraya namah
- Om chaya-svarupine namah
- Om kathinangakaya namah
- Om dvishacchatracchedakaya namah
- Om karallasyaya namah
- Om bhayamkaraya namah
- Om krura-karmane namah
- Om tamo-rupaya namah
- Om shyam-atmane namah
- Om nila-lohitaya namah
- Om kiritine namah
- Om nilavasanaya namah
- Om sanisamntavartmagaya namah
- Om candala-varnaya namah
- Om ashvyriksa-bhavaya namah
- Om mesha-bhavaya namah
- Om shanivat-phaladaya namah
- Om shuraya namah
- Om apasavyagataye namah
- Om uparagakagaya namah
- Om soma-surya-cchavivimardakaya namah
- Om nila-pushpa-viharaya namah
- Om graha-shreshthaya namah
- Om ashtama-grahaya namah
- Om kabamdhamatradehaya namah
- Om yatudhanakulodbhavaya namah
- Om govinda-vara-patraya namah
- Om deva-jati-pravishtakaya namah
- Om kruraya namah
- Om gharaya namah
- Om shanir-mitraya namah
- Om shukra-mitraya namah
- Om agocaraya namah
- Om mani ganga-snanadatre' namah
- Om svagrihe' pravaladhyadaya namah
- Om sad-grihe'anyabaladhrite' namah
- Om caturthe matri-nashakaya namah
- Om candrayukte candalajati sihmajanmane rajyadatre namah
- Om mahakayaya namah
- Om janma-kartre' namah
- Om vidhuripave' namah
- Om madakajnanadaya namah
- Om janmakanyarajyadatre' namah
- Om janmahanidaya namah
- Om navame pitrihantre' namah
- Om pancame' shokadayakaya namah
- Om dhyune' kalatrahantre' namah
- Om saptame kalahapradaya namah
- Om shashthe' vittadatre' namah
- Om caturthe' vairadayaka namah
- Om navame' papadatre' namah
- Om dashame shokadayakaya namah
- Om adau yashah pradatre' namah
- Om ante vairapradayakaya namah
- Om kalatmane' namah
- Om gocaracaraya namah
- Om ghane' kakutpradaya namah
- Om pancame' ghishanashringadaya namah
- Om svarbhanave' namah
- Om baline' namah
- Om maha-saukhya-pradayine' namah
- Om chandra-vairine namah
- Om shashvataya namah
- Om surashatrave' namah
- Om papagrahaya namah
- Om shambhavaya namah
- Om pujyakaya namah
- Om patirapuranaya namah
- Om paithinasakulodbhavaya bhakta-rakshaya namah
- Om rahu-murtaye' namah
- Om sarva-bhishta-phala-pradaya namah
- Om dirghaya namah
- Om krishnaya namah
- Om atanave' namah
- Om vishnu-netraraye' namah
- Om devaya namah
- Om danavaya namah.
- Rahu seed mantra: Om bhram bhrim bhraum sah rahave namah.
Why this yog is formed?
This yog is more dangerous than other malefic yoga. This yog effects a person till 47 years and some time throughout his life, its depend upon the position of kaal sarp yoga. If, in a horoscope, all the planets are placed between Dragon's-head (Rahu) and Dragon's- tail (Ketu), it is considered to be a Kaalsarpa yoga. According to Indian astrology, there are many types of Kaal Sarpa yoga-
If inauspicious planets like Mars and Saturn are placed on the opposite side of 'Rahu' and 'Ketu', then it is considered to be a partial Kaalsarpa Yoga. In the partial Kaalsarpa Yoga, the effects are not as powerful as Kaalsarpa Yoga. A man having a Kaalsarpa Yoga in his horoscope faces problems of multitude nature- instability in his life, bereft of progeny, mental disturbance.
Types of kalsarp yog:
- Anant Kalsarp Yog
- Kulik Kalsarp Yog
- Vasuki Kalsarp Yog
- Shankpal Kalsarp Yog
- Padam Kalsarp Yog
- Mahapadam Kalsarp Yog
- Takshak Kalsarp Yog
- Karkotak Kalsarp Yog
- Shankachood Kalsarp Yog
- Ghatak Kalsarp Yog
- Vishdhar Kalsarp Yog
- Sheshnag Kalsarp Yog
Anant Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu is in the first House and Ketu in the seventh house and the rest of the planets are left to this axis this Yog arises, also called Vipareeta Kalsarp Yog. Though this yog has the power to give extra financial gains but it is bad for marital life. Generally a person with this yog gets married late in life and can suffer from anxiety and inferiority complex.
Kulik Kalasarpa Yog Kulik Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the second house and Ketu the eighth house Kulik Kalsarp Yog arises. This combination is bad for health. The probability of losses and accidents is high in people with this combination. It is bad for financial prosperity leading to unstable financial reputation.
Vasuki Kalasarpa Yog Vasuki Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the third house and Ketu the ninth house and the rest of the planets are located to the left of the Rahu Ketu axis this yog is formed. The person is burdened with problems relating to job or business, blood pressure, sudden death or losses borne because of relatives.
Shankhapal Kalasarpa Yog Shankpal Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the 4th house and Ketu the 10th this yog is Formed. The person gets trouble relating to workspace and has to go through stress and anxiety leading life with hardships. Sometimes the person afflicted has an illegitimate child or is an illegitimate child. However this yog also has the power of conferring high political success and related gains.
Padma Kalasarpa Yog Padam Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the fifth house and Ketu the eleventh house this Yog is formed. The person is worried on account of children. There is difficulty in having progeny. If the moon is also afflicted then there is the possibility of being troubled by spirits. In this case the illness recovery time is slow. One faces hindrances in education. There are also chances of being let down by friends in this case.
Mahapadma Kalasarpa Yog Mahapadam Kalsarp Yog
This yog is formed when Rahu is in the 6th house and Ketu is in the twelfth house. The person has many enemies and has problems with attack of many general diseases. However if this yog acts beneficially it has the power to confer power and political success.
Takshak Kalasarpa Yog Takshak Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu is in the seventh house and Ketu in the first house this yog is formed. The person has speculative tendencies and can lose wealth by wasting on liqour, women and gambling. There is marital discord in the life of the person.
Karkautak Kalasarpa Yog Karkotak Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the eighth house and Ketu the second house this yog is formed. The person is short tempered and has many enemies. Such a person has affinity with the anti social elements. The person looses ancestoral wealth. Also sexually transmitted diseases are more prone.
Shankhachud Kalasarpa Yog Shankachood Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the ninth house and Ketu is in the 3rd house this yog operates. People who have this yog in their chart face many ups and downs in life. They speak lies and favour anti religious activities. They are also short tempered and have high blood pressure leading to anxiety.
Patak Kalasarpa Yog Ghatak Kalsarp Yog
This yog arises when Rahu is in tenth house and ketu in the fourth house. Litigation problems and punishment by law is possible for dissolute behaviour. However if this yog operates positively it has the capacity to confer the highest forms of political powers.
Vishadhar Kalasarpa Yog Vishdhar Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the eleventh house and ketu the fifth house the yog which arises is the Vishdhar Kalsarp Yog. The person travels frequently and is instable. Problems also arise from children or by imprisonment or strifes between brothers. However these persons find peace in the latter half of their life.
Shesnag Kalasarpa Yog Sheshnag Kalsarp Yog
When Rahu occupies the twelfth house and ketu the 6th house this yog arises. The person has problems relating to litigation, defeat and misfortune. Enemity rises and health problems affect specially the sensory organs.