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Free Vastu Tips
Vastu-Shastra Recommondations for buying a Land / plot ?
According to the principles of Vastu Shastra, some plots or properties are more auspicious and some are entirely unsuitable for living.
Below mentioned are some of the points which one should consider while buying a plot:
- Avoid Land on which shadow of temple, towers, temple walls, temple flag post fall from 9 am to 3 pm.
- Avoid buying a land with too much wet soil or water seeping from ground.
- A plot which is narrower in the west or in south, in comparison to the north and east portion, is not good.

- Land with many cracks in the soil / ground is not good for living.
Also you should never purchase the land from the following.
- From people who have failed and become bankrupt.
- Land or property belonging to any temple, or Ashram or any other religious organization.
- Land containing ant-hills, Bones, etc.
- Avoid Barren Land with no sign of greenery.
- From people who have a lot of sickness in the family.
Golden Vastu tips
- Never place a door in the middle of the house.
- No two doors should be exactly opposite to each other.
- Doors in the upper storey must confirm to the doors below.
- The main gate in the compound wal! should be either in North East, North West or South East only. If trees happen to be there, trees grown in West and South can be taller than the building while trees grown in North and East should not be taller than the building.
- The main door should never face intersection of roads.Trees should not be in front of the entrance door. Only if the above obstructions are quite distant from the main door, and that distance is more than the height of the building than it is considered to be favorable
- The steps to the main entrance door should be even in numbers. Number of pillars and beams should also be in even number
- Thicker walls are recommended on West and South side, while thinner walls can be on East and North. side. The same holds good for the compound walls too.
- If the plot or site faces the roads on North or East the gate should be located in the North East direc¬tion. If the plot faces the road in the South, the gate should be provided on south or South East and not on the South West. For the plots facing West, the gate should be on West or North West.
- Kitchen must be located in the South East corner
- The room provided for Gods and prayer, i.e., Pooja room should be located in the North East corner.
- The sink in the kitchen should be in the North East corner of the kitchen. Shelves and racks provided for storage purposes should be on Southern or Western side of the walls and not on Northern or Eastern side. The person who cooks should face East.
- Master bed room should be located at the South West corner. Attached bathrooms should be in the North
or East of the bed room and the commode should face either South or North and not East or West.
- Staircase should be provided in South, or West or South West because of its height and weight. It should not be provided in North-East.
- Verandahs should be planned in East or North and not in West or South. The roof of the Verandah should be lower than the roof of the main building.
- Window openings should be more towards East and North and less towards South and West. Total number of doors and windows, taken separately should be even in number and should not have zeros in the ending like 10, 20 etc.; doors should normally be in North and East and less doors and openings in West and South. Some effects are predicted re¬garding the number of doors. If one - wealth and riches; two - happy and comfortable; three - inauspi¬cious; four - longevity; five - ill health; six – blessed with sons; seven - not favourable; eight – comfortable and happy life ; nine - health hazards; 10 – not auspicious.
- By lanes should not be on both the sides
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